Emblematic places of Buenos Aires
Discover the historical and cultural essence of the port city

Emblematic places of Buenos Aires

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Explore the vibrant and cosmopolitan heart of Argentina

Iconic places in the capital city

Buenos Aires is the Federal Capital of the Argentine Republic. This is a cosmopolitan city and important tourist destination.

Its architecture and culture are clearly marked by the influence of many nationalities that provide nuances and mixtures of styles that make this a unique place.

The main tourist attractions in the city of Buenos Aires:

Obelisk Buenos Aires center


The Obelisk of Buenos Aires is considered the emblem of the City and Buenos Aires icon par excellence.

It was built in 1936 as a commemoration of the fourth centenary of the founding of the city. It is the work of Alberto Prebisch, renowned Argentine modernist architect.

It is located between two of the busiest streets in Buenos Aries: 9 de Julio and calle Corrientes.

You can see the Obelisk from Bristol Hotel itself, since it is located a few meters from it.

Colón theatre Buenos Aires

Colón Theater

The Colón Theater in Buenos Aires is a building founded in the city between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century . The building has been restored in recent years and has undergone a technological modernization process.

It is considered a national historical monument that stands out for its dimensions and its great quality as a lyric theater.

The Colón Theater is located just 5 minutes walk from the Bristol Hotel.

Casa Rosada and Plaza de Mayo Buenos Aires

Plaza de Mayo and Casa Rosada

The Casa Rosada is a building in Buenos Aires built in 1898 that functions as the headquarters of the Argentine Government and is located in front of the well-known Plaza de Mayo.

The building is a palace of characteristic color considered one of the most emblematic historical monuments of the city of Buenos Aires.

You will find the Plaza de Mayo and the Casa Rosada just 15 minutes walk from the Hotel Bristol.

Buenos Aires Metropolitan Cathedral

Metropolitan Cathedral

The Metropolitan Cathedral is the main temple of the Catholic Church in Argentina. It is also located in front of the Plaza de Mayo.

Its construction began in the 19th century but this neoclassical-style building did not finish its decoration until the beginning of the 20th century.

Currently, in the Metropolitan Cathedral you can find the museum honoring Pope Francis.

3 de Febrero park

3 de Febrero park

Popularly known as the Bosques de Palermo (Palermo Forests), Tres de Febrero park is a group of parks located in the Palermo neighborhood, between Avenida del Libertador and Avenida Leopoldo Lugones, two of the busiest avenues in the city of Buenos Aires.

The park, with an area of 370 hectares, stands out for its groves, four artificial lakes and a rose garden with a wide variety of rose species.

Museo de Arte Latinoamericano (MALBA)

Museo de Arte Latinoamericano (MALBA)

The Museum of Latin American Art of Buenos Aires, better known as MALBA, is a museum founded in 2001 in the Argentine capital with the aim of collecting, preserving, studying and disseminating Latin American art from the beginning of the 20th century to the present.

The museum exhibits a heritage of approximately 400 works by the region's leading modern and contemporary artists. In its permanent exhibition you can find paintings by such prominent Latin American artists as Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera or Tarsila do Amaral.